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Yo!Kart Gets Major Upgrades, Feature Enhancements, and Fixes


Yo!Kart is a leading name among the online marketplace platform vendors and ever since its inception in 2015, it has improved continuously. From startup-friendly payment terms to serving billion dollar entities, Yo!Kart has been at the forefront to enable startups, SMBs, and large enterprises to add eCommerce capability.

The market-ready eCommerce marketplace platform took the online retail industry by storm and its dominance is backed up with accolades like receiving the ÔÇ£The Best Product Award at TiE-STPI Awards 2016ÔÇØ and the trust of more than 1000 eCommerce marketplaces. The team has constantly worked to improve the product and customer satisfaction which has led to a happy and satisfied global clientele.

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The Yo!Kart team is always ready to deliver customer-first forward-thinking eCommerce solutions and recent upgrades are another step towards adding more value for the clients. LetÔÇÖs take a look at recent improvements.

What are the recent upgrades in Yo!Kart Marketplace?

  • A completely new User Interface (UI) for front-end, shop, and dashboard pages
  • New & improved user dashboards for optimized performance as compared to the previous version
  • Full-screen view of the product images
  • Dependency on service and public servers eliminated ÔÇö media uploads from local machine enabled
  • Referred users listing page now available for affiliate users
  • Option to select multiple articles (Delete, Status Changes) for admin, seller, and buyer

Feature Enhancements in Yo!Kart Marketplace

Import-Export Module

  • Introduced ÔÇÿProduct temp imagesÔÇÖ page under the ÔÇÿMiscÔÇÖ section in the Admin Console that updates the status of cron job set for image update during bulk import.
  • Introduced ÔÇÿUpload Bulk imagesÔÇÖ page under the ÔÇÿMiscÔÇÖ section in the Admin Console allowing the users to add zip file for images that need to be imported via CSV file.

Cart and Wishlist

Cart and Wishlist
  • Connectivity in Cart and Wishlist modules allows users to move products from cart to wishlist and vice-versa easily
  • The cart will now display total cart value with items count in the header

Listing Pages

Listing Pages
  • Listing pages have been updated and the products are loaded through a permanent link and respective filters via Ajax. This will improve the page load speed and optimize listing pages for search engines.
  • ÔÇÿSort by most discountedÔÇÖ filter added


  • Added fields for minimum and maximum Cash on Delivery (COD) order limit for sellers.
  • A maximum negative amount on COD allowed for sellers. Defined at a global level as well as seller level for admin.

Performance Optimization

  • Parent category link in the header navigation has been disabled to improve page load speed
  • Restricted empty search to increase page load speed. The search string must be at least 3 characters

User Dashboards

User Dashboards - Buyer
  • Updated the Seller, Buyer, Affiliate and Advertiser dashboard KPIs with better statistics
  • Other General Enhancements
  • Introduced validations handling/messages through a centralized class/repository
  • Option values cannot be deleted from the ÔÇÿOptionsÔÇÖ group if it is linked with a product in a sellerÔÇÖs inventory
  • All Admin links will now open in a new tab for better usability
  • New ÔÇÿCost PriceÔÇÖ field for products. The cost price will be reflected in the reports where users can view the profits made per product
  • On the product detail page user cannot add ÔÇÿqtyÔÇÖ more than available inventory for the product
  • Added a layout template preview for Content pages
  • Removed collectionsÔÇÖ ÔÇÿprimary record fieldÔÇÖ and ÔÇÿmanaged collectionÔÇÖ from static defined values
  • Added a filter to refine search listing on the catalog page in the admin console based on user

As consumer expectation increases, the Yo!Kart team works with the client and improve the eCommerce marketplace platform constantly. Leverage the market-readiness offered by Yo!Kart and kick-start your online multi-vendor marketplace today.

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